Do most dyslexics think in pictures?

Most dyslexic’s are picture thinkers and use this ability to help in their ability to be artists and engineers among many other creative disciplines.

  • They can utilize the brain’s ability to alter and create perceptions.
  • They are highly aware of the environment.
  • They are more curious than average.
  • They think mainly in pictures instead of words.
  • They are highly intuitive and insightful.
  • They think and perceive using their senses.
  • They can experience thought as reality.
  • They have vivid imaginations.

Because of the dyslexics’ tendency to think in three dimensions, I use tools that work well for 3D thinkers. A three dimensional mental visualization exercise is used as a key technique, and the key component of all of our programs is clay modeling, to make use of 3D media for mastery of words and concepts.

About 85% of the dyslexics think mostly in pictures. A screening tool for the Dyslexia Correction Program is to test ones 3D thinking ability, called the Perceptual Ability Assessment; which you can have done when you come in for your dyslexia testing.  You can call (253) 854-9377 or email to make an appointment.

There are Verbal Learners mainly thinking in words, with a sort of internal dialogue.  Verbal thought is linear and follows the structure of language.  Thinking verbally consists of composing mental sentences, one word at a time, and about the same speed as speech. And there are Nonverbal learners mainly thinking in pictures. They think with 3-dimensional, multi-sensory images that evolve and grow as the thought process adds more information or concepts.  This thought process happens so much faster than verbal thinking, that it’s usually subliminal.

Processing the written word or listening to verbal communication the words read or heard or mostly non-picture words (the, that, in. out, over, is, was…) the list goes on and on.  But for a picture thinker pictures are what helps one understand what they are reading (to formulate the thoughts into structure making sense of the words).  If there are too many non-picture words one loses the picture; they can get confused with words verbal or written, falling asleep reading, and difficulty focusing during lectures, simply not understand; the same for a student listening to a teacher or an employ getting instruction from a boss, and when a parent is talking to their child.  When the instructions are given the receiver is not able to process the information and they guess at the perceived instructions.

Here at ABC Dyslexia Center we work one-on-one with the non-picture words, showing a word using clay making a 3-dimentional model what it looks like, sounds like and what it means; helping to process a word when reading or in verbal communication, clearing up the confusion, also focus tools are given and so important.   Call to set up an appointment for testing,
(253) 854-9377 or email at:

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