Hi my name is Aleta Clark; I work at ABC Dyslexia Center here in Kent WA.
I have been a licensed Davis Facilitator since the year 2000.
I have 4 adult children and 1 grandchild, and have been happily married for over 40 years.
I started out as a reading specialist and noticed when working with very bright and gifted children some would have difficulties understanding what they just read, others sounding out words, and some weren’t reading at grade level.
When I began to study about these cconcerns I came across the book “The Gift of Dyslexia” by Ronald Davis And was so impressed with results I studied and got Licensed and Certified as a Davis Facilitator.
I have been working here in Kent WA at ABC Dyslexia Center helping Adults and Children Master reading.
I have a 5-day 1- on -1 correction program, where we work on reading, writing, spelling, math, and attention.
Give me a call or email and set up an appointment.
Thank you