Welcome to ABC Dyslexia Center
You can schedule the 90 minute educational test and/or the 5-day correction 1-on-1 program.

Dyslexic people are visual, multi-dimensional thinkers. We are intuitive, highly creative and excel at hands-on learning. We think in pictures. It is sometimes hard for us to understand letters, numbers, symbols and written words. However, we can learn to read, write and study efficiently when we use methods geared to our unique learning style.
ABC Dyslexia Center specializes in the rapidly improving issues with reading, math and attention focus in dyslexic individuals by instituting the Davis Dyslexia Correction ® Program.
Focus is on giving students the tools to overcome the barriers associated with dyslexia in a way that utilizes their inherent mental strengths. We build word recognition skills through an approach that combines mastery of a word’s meaning, sound, and visual appearance with a creative activity (clay modeling) that is well suited to the dyslexic learning style.
We also provide specific reading strategies that improve visual word recognition skills and comprehension.
Because the Davis approach is geared to the mental strengths that accompany dyslexia, it usually seems fun and easy to the learner, and it is common to see significant leaps in reading ability and confidence during the program week. Students who embrace the Davis approach often become enthusiastic.
- A method for controlling perceptual disorientation.
- A method for elimination the causes for perceptual disorientation.
- The ability to recognize and correct disorientations at will
- The ability to focus attention
- The knowledge of how to eliminate confusions in words and symbols
- Increased self-confidence and ability in reading, writing, math or physical skills
- A method of learning that can be used throughout life. Other remediation and therapy programs will work better and faster with these tools.
What I do
1-on-1 Dyslexia Tutoring
ABC Dyslexia Center is a focused 1-on-1 program that works with the client covering the following:
Working on reading, by sounding out words to understand what was read (decoding words and comprehending), getting a student up at least two grade levels in reading.
Work on penmanship and punctuation.
Understanding basic math, covering sequence and order when working with math.
Also working with clocks, calendars, money and helping the student to learn focusing tools.
is having trouble forming letters or spacing words consistently? An awkward pencil grip? Poor grammar or sentence structure? Difficulty organizing his or her thoughts on paper? These are all signs of dysgraphia — a brain-based learning disability that affects fine motor skills, particularly writing, through adulthood. Children with ADHD or ADD can also have dysgraphia.
is difficulty in learning or comprehending arithmetic, such as difficulty in understanding numbers, learning how to manipulate numbers, performing mathematical calculations and learning facts in mathematics. It is generally seen as the mathematical equivalent to dyslexia.
“… she really enjoys school now!!!!”-Tracy, from Seattle*
“… here is the most amazing thing; Jesse got Student of the Month in May!! His teachers are totally amazed and thrilled with his improvement.”-Carrie, form Covington*
“It still brings tears to my eyes to see him in less than two days accomplish what he couldn’t in one year of school.”-Dr. Fiancée, Bremerton*
“The dyslexia program allowed Josh the skills to ‘focus in’ minimizing the distractions caused by an over-active mind (or perhaps a ‘greater-active mind’).”-Roger, from Auburn*
“… amazing what a difference it made in her attitude and self image.”-Kris, from Quinault*
“… it’s probably the best spent money ever. I would do it again in a heart beat only I would do it sooner.”-Ruth, from Gig Harbor*
My story
Hi my name is Aleta Clark; I work at ABC Dyslexia Center here in Kent WA.
I have been a licensed Davis Facilitator since the year 2000.
I have 4 adult children and 1 grandchild, and have been happily married for over 40 years.
I started out as a reading specialist and noticed when working with very bright and gifted children some would have difficulties understanding what they just read, others sounding out words, and some weren’t reading at grade level.
When I began to study about these concerns I came across the book “The Gift of Dyslexia” by Ronald Davis And was so impressed with results I studied and got Licensed and Certified as a Davis Facilitator.
I have been working here in Kent WA at ABC Dyslexia Center helping Adults and Children Master reading.
I have a 5-day 1- on -1 correction program, where we work on reading, writing, spelling, math, and attention.
Please feel free to call or email with any questions or concerns.
Thank you,
Aleta Clark
The test takes about 90 minutes and the cost is $300.
Call 253-854-9377 or email me (abc4dyslexia@gmail.com) for an appointment.
For more information Click Here.